
Gets the number of user-defined tab positions in the selected text and lists the position, kind, and leader string for each tab.

Query results

PGetTabs is a subclass of PListQuery. This query returns a list of information about tab positions. Make sure that PListQuery::Count() > 0 before referencing these fields.

short cKind;

kAlignmentLeft for left
kAlignmentCenter for center
kAlignmentRight for right
kAlignmentDecimal for decimal
long xPosition;
Position of tab from left edge of text block in twips
const char * sLeader;
Leader characters (maximum 2 characters)
Defining or editing a style. If you are defining or editing a style using the PStyleBegin command, PageMaker gets the tab settings for that style rather than for the selected text.

User-defined tabs only. The Indents/Tabs ruler has predefined tab settings every 0.5 inch or 3 picas (marked by small triangles), which are displaced by tab positions you specify. The PGetTabs query returns only user-defined tab posi tions, not the predefined tab settings. If Count() is zero, the ruler has no user-defined tab positions, but it still has the predefined positions every 0.5 inches.

Multiple tab settings. If multiple paragraphs are selected and they have different tab settings, PageMaker returns the tab settings for the first paragraph.

Story editor active, text tool not selected, or no publication. If story editor is active, or if in layout view but a tool other than the text tool is active, PageMaker gets the default tab settings of the current publication. If no publication is open, PageMaker gets the PageMaker application default settings.

See also

The PTabs command

The PGetIndents query

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